Chari Distler

Thank You Dr. Araque ✅🔴⚪️

Chari Distler is an Educational Technology Teacher at Cardinal Gibbons High School. She teaches the Introduction to Computer Programming using Swift Playgrounds, Alice Programming and AP Computer Science Principles. She holds a Master of Arts and a Bachelors of Fine Arts from New York Institute of Technology. She has extensive training in Alice Programming and has presented multiple times on various topics at FETC, FCIS, EdTechTeam, Duke University, and Stanford University. She shares her passion for creativity and technology in the classroom through hands on large workshops and small group training, as well as one-on-one training. She has published three books in iBooks and created three iTunesU courses with over 500 registered users. Her paper "Piloting Alice in the Upper School " has been published in the ACM Digital Library. Chari offers professional development opportunities to teachers at her school and has presented to teachers all around the world through her PLN @charidistler.

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